I wonder what the James Abernathys and John Addlemans on this yearbook page thought of their young classmate, our future mentor - Forrest Ackerman? Did Forry preach the virtues of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror to his peers? Did he ever get busted for sneaking peaks at an Amazing Stories magazine during class? Was his notebook scribbled with cartoons of spacemen and monsters? Forry has said that in high school he was, "the resident crazy!"

The "sense of wonder" evident in Forry's 18-year-old eyes, sparkled right up until his final moments. It's great to see his face here among his classmates. I wonder if any of Forry's contemporaries ever found themselves buying (or destroying) copies of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine their kids brought home. Forrest J Ackerman shall not die!
Great to see this page-- thanks, Joe!