Dad, my little brother Danny and me! c. 1966?
Weird, huh? Proof I was born a bona fide island boy. That handsome brown man is my Father, Josefa Moe who was a well-known Hawaiian entertainer and artist. He did the spectacular Samoan knife dance on that stage I'm sitting on (International Marketplace: Waikiki, Hawaii) and many others throughout our childhood. Yeah. He was the guy who spun those long knives like razor sharp batons, sometimes on fire! Dad was multi-talented. Aside from performing, he painted the sign you see in the picture AND carved the tiki behind us. Don't quote me, but I honestly think he may have had a hand in weaving the coconut hats Danny and I are wearing. My Dad - May 1st, 1933 - Nov. 3rd, 2006... You would have loved him.
Dad doing his thing in a 60's promo shot.

Easy to know we would have loved him, Joe. He lives in You! :O)