Thanks to everyone who voted THE FORREST J ACKERMAN TRIBUTE as BEST FAN EVENT on the RONDO AWARDS ballot. An extra-Gigantor thank you to dear David Colton who administers the entire Rondo effort, as well as counting the nearly 3000 votes - a new record! David is a prominent figure in his field and our genre and his generosity and dedication to our cause is incredibly Forry-like!
This Rondo nomination was particularly important. It seems the more distance we get from Forry's passing, the fewer opportunities there may be to keep his name in the public eye. In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that the Forry Tribute just HAD to be the best event of the year! Not only because it was a once-in-a-lifetime happening, but it personified the best parts of our classic horror genre community and the very spirit the Rondo Awards seek to acknowledge and promote.

Proud Monster Kid of 2008 - ME!
I apologize to those of you who voted early and then had to endure my constant haranguing about getting your ballots in. The thing is, even though Forry is a beloved figure and the Forry-event was legitimately deserving of the award, there were MANY events in our category and some of our competition might have been more well-attended (our Egyptian Theater only seats 600). I couldn't risk sacrificing the opportunity for a potential Forry-Rondo to complacency. I hope my pushiness paid off?
The RONDO AWARDS will be announced tonight! To observe the awards ceremony LIVE, join the CLASSIC HORROR FILM BOARD and then attend the "BLIND HERMIT'S NEW HUT" chat room (6th forum from the top)! Best of luck to all the very deserving nominees. I hope we did enough to bring a posthumous Rondo home to Horrorwood for Uncle Forry!
You are awesome!